1928 Ford Model A Teal Phaeton Convertible

1403 Angie Drive, Burbank, CA 91505
Make: Ford
Model: Model A
Year: 1928
Mileage: 100,331 miles
Transmission: Manual
Condition: Good
Body Type: Phaeton Convertible
Engine Type: Flathead 4 cylinder
Interior Color: Gold
Exterior Color: Teal

1928 Phaeton Convertible. til our purchase of it, this was a 1-family vehicle passed down historically until the family of the last gentleman owner passed away sold it to us. The car was restored by the prior owner and looks great. It has been a huge attraction wherever we go in it. Solid Southern free example. undercarriage.
Improvements include: tank has been boiled and resealed ($400). New ttery. New Coil. We installed a rebuilt carb and have done routine maintenance on it as needed. The only known issues currently is that it does leak oil when parked (I’m told MOST flathead motors leak) but I think it could use an oil pan gasket which is included. some importance is that this car has a “B” head——–a performance option reserved for police cars and such in its day to my understanding.  There is no top under the tonneau cover, but the top irons are there to add one which is still available and reasonably priced. We’ve always enjoyed it just as you see it.
The car starts easily, runs strong and is in really great shape. No rust or collision damage evident.  The fuel gauge is new, but the float has not been set. The sale is part of a downsizing effort by us.  $16,5k firm please. Faux machine gun not included. PM for inspection/purchase. ce Emblem is a magnet and is removeable (not included)

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